Cotswolds cats with fabulous whiskers… beards we love

With Movember drawing to a close we felt the need to celebrate our Cotswold friends who look hot, hot, hot with facial hair…so in no particular order we have:


Gary Kennedy, OakHouse No.1.  Wowser! Surely all salt and pepper beards should look like this.  Fab hat too, is that Louise Pocock’s work?


The Libertine barbershop, they look good whilst making you look good. Don’t forget the complimentary bourbon during your spruce up.


The tremendous Tom and Henry Herbert at Hobbs House – oh they’ve got handsome chops the pair of ‘em haven’t they?


We have to include dapper Laurence LB – those whiskers are never out of place even when wrestling with material to redecorate Stonehenge.


Julian Dunkerton, Superdry – that beard screams classy, distinguished with a hint of ‘just take me as I am’.


Rob Goves, Relish Events – the talented Chef just goes to prove that facial hair and great food really do go together.


Leo Crabtree, drummer of The Prodigy and creator of slick grooming range Beaufort London. Always looking tip top.

Dale Campbell, McPherson Stevens – this talented Cinematographer stands out in a crowd with those lustrous locks.


Tom Wharton, Barrington Ayre. That is one beautifully tailored, bespoke beard we are admiring there Sir.


Ross Cameron, the Skipper at Russell’s Fish and Chips.  Captain Birdseye has lots to learn from you.


Last but not least is the superb Andrew Ogilvy, Photographer. Technically he’s not sporting a beard but we just love him so he’s in.

We salute your bristles chaps, do not, repeat, do not, attempt to shave them off on 1st December please.

Have you got a handsome upper lip and chin? Tweet your beautiful beards to @rockthecotswold

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