Following your gig close by, you’ve gone for a stroll, taken in the Cotswolds view and decided to have a little snooze in a comfy barn, but when you wake up the door is jammed. Eek what to do?….
Answer our nosey questions of course:
So Craig… who would be the first person you’d want to ring once you’d realised the barn door is jammed?.
I like to keep bad news in-house so.. probably no one.
You’re trying not to panic (thinking about all those gigs to get to) – tell us how you got into comedy and the best thing about it.
I was already being ‘the card/funny c#nt/clown’ for my mates.. before one of them steered (cattle joke nearly!) me onstage and ‘the rest’, as they say, has been like my dreams, only far more exhilarating. The greatest thing about it is the ability to constantly release bottled up feelings, stay ‘regular’ via pre show ‘stinky-nerves’ AND always being hydrated.. win, win-splash and win!

What songs are you singing to while away the time?
Probably Everybody’s Talkin and/or Rhinestone Cowboy – both, extended versions..

4. What makes you laugh?
Idiosyncratic happenstance.
What are you planning on drinking as soon as you’re out?
All that smellin’ cows while I was diggin will have me hankering for a milk no doubt.. I expect there’ll be quite a splash of Baileys after this ordeal!

What’s your first delicious item of food going to be when you’re free? Where will you get it from?
I’ll probably follow the sun directly South and gobble me some Cheddar (read Double-Gloucester!) (vintage, so my cheeks squeak) and likely from Diana Smart’s cheesery!

Where would be your favourite place to stay in the Cotswolds, if you weren’t sleeping in a bale of hay?
I’d head straight for the Malverns for a cool, deep drink!

What are your immediate plans as soon as the barn door is open? Any hobbies you’re going to take up?
I’d love to chase cheese off a cliff (more) I just can’t find the right place to do it! Got to be Cooper’s Hill surely?! Ed
What are the places in Canada that you’re keen to get back to?
I’ve a soft spot for the West Coast of Canada where I’ll again be in January, with, of course, fond memories of Swindon dancing in my cheese addled mind.

What are your plans this Winter? If you get out of that barn of course…
This winter will take me first to the warm clime’s of South East Asia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand for some shows and surf and sun up to NYE, then it’s off to Canada for the 10th anniversary of this beast:

After which I’ll be driving down and back up the West coast route 101 of The Great Satan, to and from Arizona in mid February until the beginning of March when the Easy Tiger tour I’m bringing to Swindon resumes with ‘barn escaped’ and ‘America survived’ vigour!
Rock the Cotswolds is a not-for-profit campaign created to promote the talent and creativity of the area.
It is sponsored by Crowe Clark Whitehill in Cheltenham – their belief in what we’re doing and generous support helps keep the campaign alive and kicking!